Game Optimizations

The client’s new requirements added numerous game entities, drastically impacting the game’s performance. In this context, for four months, I focused on investigating and fixing performance bottlenecks, improving the game’s scalability, and bringing its performance to acceptable levels again.

During this period, I worked on and refactored various game components, including:

  • Controllers;
  • Sounds system;
  • Animations;
  • Render;
  • Physics;
  • Particle systems;
  • Introduced DOTS in some components.

These improvements not only restored the game’s performance but also improved the scalability, reducing the impacts of future requirements.

The video below shows the performance comparisons of before and after improvements, having the movement of four ASTROS batteries (composed of ~14 military vehicles each) as a test case. The camera focuses on a particular battery, but another three are also being simulated.

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink